

 LANET UMOJA COMMUNITY NETWORK PROFILE Lanet Umoja community network (LUCN) is an organization that aims to empower the Lanet Umoja community through internet connectivity. LUCN was started in 2019 as a project by AfChix in collaboration with the late Chief Kariuki as the community champion. AfChix is a network of African women in technology and consists of African women in technology and considers gender diversity in computer science & the ICT  industry . LUCN is a women led organization where women are at the forefront of the day to day activities of the network. The community network's primary purpose is to increase the capacity of women in the ICT sector, provide internet access &digital tools to the community at large. The community network aims at connecting public institutions i.e. schools, churches & hospitals etc. which will serve as hosts for the community network equipment for homes & business connections. As of December 2021,LUCN had connected seven(7) p